Mission Statement

Posted by Unknown  |  at  10:24 AM No comments

Starting a Business
Mission Statement

What Does Your Mission Statement Say About You?
A lot of business owners have made it a point to come up with a mission statement of their own, using this credo as their focal point for running the business. But unless we are crystal-clear about our mission statement, we may end up going in circles, aimless and uncertain how to go forward and progress.
Briefly, a mission statement is something that we strongly believe in; a principle, philosophy, our purpose; the goal by which we will run the business or even our lives. You could say that it is the main street that will lead all roads to the reasons why we built our businesses in the first place.
Who are You?
A mission statement does not have to be lengthy – it might end up boring the reader. A good mission statement is brief, concise, and straight to the point. It bears no wordy explanation before getting to your point.
What an excellent statement of this kind can do for you is to tell your audience who you are straightaway. With a precise mission statement, you can already target your audience; those who you want to patronize you or at least give you a second thoughtful glance.
For instance, if your business is a consumer product that zeroes-in on the younger market; your mission statement could express your desire to provide something hip and cool to the young while working hand-in-hand with parents.
In this manner, you have not only targeted your main audience, you have also touched on the influential people in these young ones’ lives.
The main thing to seriously consider when coming up with your statement is to focus on why you’re out there – not to make money as earning is an incentive to your goal; but to provide something of value to your market.
When they see how valuable you are, patrons will come and earnings will follow.
Driving Force Behind Your Business
In a word, your mission statement is the driving force which all operations, transactions and directions of the business will go by. This statement is something that will motivate everyone in the company; from the lowest rung all the way to the top.
This statement will also serve as a reminder of why you’re doing what you’re doing lest you lose your focus or people in the company lose their motivation. It is something that we can all go back to, to remind us of why we’re doing our business in the first place.




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